Thursday, March 30, 2006

Here I go....

Well was planning to write for such a long time, thought of many things to write and kinda clear my mind space but have forgotten most of them. The thing is, I am going on my way, that’s for sure, I guess, a step closer to my dreams. Well many other dreams were broken or will be in the course of time, but who hears the sighs of these broken dreams anyway but moi. I say..

Dreams are very powerful things, full of feelings, words and thoughts,
Some are great, fascinating wonderful, others sad, horrifying awful,
For I can relate to both of these, for I have dreams!

Now it will never be the same again. I mean the things which were over all these years, will never be the same ever again. (Oh, what a discovery!) Well things do change with time, I know that. However, leaving all this (of 25 years) and to move on along with all the memories of family, friends and all other things, is going to be tough. But many people have done this and even I can. Just a matter of around 2 years anyway, still it is a big deal. I just hope to be successful and all that goodie stuff;).

Now for some not so good part. I am feeling very funny nowadays. If only, I could tell …I’ll try though. Nevertheless, it’s a change and change is good sometimes, I think. In addition, the point I had stated in some earlier posts is, any girl I like is either…. It proves to be true most of the time, even it was very true this time. The other day my friends somehow managed to guess a thing or two about me. Again, putting me in some turmoil. Why do I wait, I must just go ahead when I feel like. On the other hand, even I maybe a bit reluctant(and I tend too think too much about it and take a lot of time to make up my mind) and not so daring in these kinda matters, if you know what I mean. But, no one cares. I think I will just pack up and leave, the best possible solution. This is of no use, I’ve a feeling that I’ve been misunderstood(though it’s not new to me)this time too; I don’t want to mess up things and friendships(?) is just too hard to sort things out; I know and I’ve been through it. I just want to leave all that as is and if people are so stubborn and not willing to listen, I won’t care about them anyway!

People generally say, who will waste time just falling in love, getting hurt (I have more than enough for my share) and cry about it and vow never to fall in love, in turn falling in love again with a wrong person. Think logically and you will get to know. I think love is a game of chance, you’ll never find the right/perfect person always, we all have to take chances and keep ourselves open to love(now even I don’t know where this leads too actually).I say love is abundantly available, feel free to waste/use it, liberally (Any comments?!). Even if I fall in love, I don’t think she will wait for two years and just waste/wait her love. I just remembered a few lines from a song, which I think you will guess: …..who cares to love forever….who waits forever anyway!(wow how well it goes with all this haha)

No harm in being single despite the fact that it’s another case if u are with someone. So is just asking her out will be of no harm, as I have nothing to lose. It doesn’t work all the time though. If I do ask the girl (who I know for sometime) and she says no it will surely mess up whatever the friendship there was/is between us. That I do not want. I don’t want to create any tensions as solving them may even take a lifetime, like I said before.

I really hope things get sorted out, hope to have another chance at it. As it is things always tend to go wrong with me. All that u see above my be confused but who cares. Will be back with more not so interesting thoughts or even something else, something new. Till next time.

Please don’t mind all that above, as when I read it myself, it makes a little less sense!!

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